Monday, July 29, 2019

My First Trip to Germany (Berlin/Munich/Salzburg)

#honeytraveldiary Berlin/Munich / Salzburg

A new country, new experiences . I been really lucky when it comes to travel . Traveled a lot stayed in different parts of the world . Learnt new languages , dialects . Survived in different circumstances.
Every trip had a new story ..
Telford I remember walking down the street lonely since I didn't know anyone in that small British town we had just moved to. It was a small quiet town I could hear my own footsteps when I walked there . On the opposite side of the road I see this Indian women and I was delighted waved at her gave her the biggest smile asked her heeeey what's Ur name she said Sunita Misra and you she asked I said Honey Misra   :)

She remains my strong support and my best friend .

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